Try these free PMP® Exam practice questions and see for yourself!

These PMP® Exam practice questions have been carefully chosen to provide you with introduction to all 10 Knowledge Areas of the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition.

Integration Management

Scope Management

Schedule Management

Cost Management

Quality Management

Resource Management

Communications Management

Risk Management

Procurement Management

Stakeholder Management

What will you get out of these free PMP® Exam practice questions?

These 10 questions cover each of the 10 Knowledge Areas tested on the PMP® Exam. Practice questions are an integral part of your PMP® Exam preparation, and the most important aspect is to understand why an answer is correct or incorrect. After each question, you will be given the correct answer and an explanation to ensure a valuable learning experience.

Curious what to expect on the PMP® Exam? These 10 practice questions will give you a brief introduction to the types of questions you will encounter.

If you are looking for PMP® Exam preparation resources, these practice questions will give you a brief introduction to The CertWise® Learning System for PMP® Exam Preparation. After you’ve completed the quiz, you’ll have the opportunity to explore all the study tools and course options available with this premium quality study system.

PMP® Exam Practice Questions