Finally – everything you need to prepare to pass the PMP® exam is available in one complete, convenient and expertly-designed study system: The CertWise® Learning System for PMP® Exam Preparation.

  • Two Course Options, online or local Instructor-Led Courses, allow you to prepare for the PMP® Exam your way, where and when your schedule allows.
  • An Exceptional Learning Experience with instructor-led courses offering personal guidance by top-tier PMP® instructors who lead you through the entire PMP® process to ensure you are ready to pass the exam on the first attempt.
  • Expert Design: Expertly designed by a team of six top-tier PMP instructors with over 80 years of PMP® teaching experience and four instructional designers. Created to be the very best PMP® exam preparation in one complete study system – pure and simple.
  • Comprehensive Exam Topic Coverage: Develop an in-depth understanding of the 5 Process Groups and 10 Knowledge Areas tested on the PMP® Exam through three clear and concise books that teach all topics from the PMP® Examination Content Outline and PMBOK® Guide—Sixth Edition
  • Interactive Online Study Tools: Apply and test your knowledge with interactive online study tools including quizzes, flashcards, PMP® practice exam, and more, available for 12 months.
  • 35 Contact Hours: Many of our Global Partner Instructor-Led Courses allow you to meet the 35 hour project management education requirement.
  • Updated: Updated courses now available for the January 2021 PMP® exam changes.
  • Success Guarantee: We guarantee that you will have success on the PMP® exam.