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Updated to align with PMBOK® Guide – Seventh Edition and the current Exam Content Outline!

More than 2 million professionals across 200 countries have advanced their careers and prepared for certification exams using our premium quality learning systems.

See what's being said by PMP candidates.

Read comments from users of The CertWise Learning System for PMP® Exam Preparation.

Kris Allen

The Learning System for PMP® Exam Preparation is a great choice for PMP candidates because it offers what other programs can’t: a complete, self-contained, instructor-supported program that is backed by a large, reputable company with a great industry track-record.

Photo of Kris Allen, PMP, PE

Denise P.

I liked (and needed) the accountability of the online classroom that kept pushing me toward the next goal or chapter. I also appreciate the big picture overview approach of the program which helped when trying to learn the process versus memorizing the structure. I have taken a Rita Mulcahy course in an online class format in the past, which provided more of an overview and required a lot of memorization. I prefer this approach much more.

Anne K.

The content in this course is more in-depth than other materials I’ve used, and my instructor really cared about my success. When I took the PMP exam, I felt very prepared and realized pretty early on that I was going to pass. I felt calm and confident throughout.